对象生成 1. 使用闭包方式模拟对象生成 // Use closure to simulate classfunction CalculatorClosure (name){var id = 1;r
1. 使用闭包方式模拟对象生成
// Use closure to simulate classfunction CalculatorClosure (name){ var id = 1; return { plus : function(a, b){ return a + b; }, minus : function(a, b){ return a - b; }, setName : function(_name){ name = _name; }, getName : function(){ return name; }, getId : function(){ return id; } }}//Run the example:var obj = CalculatorClosure("Name");console.log(obj.getName());console.log(obj.minus(2,6));
2. 一般生成对象
function CalculatorNormal (name){ this.id = 2; var battery = 0.99; function getDisplayBattery(){ return battery * 100 + "%"; } this.plus = function(a, b){ return a + b; } this.minus = function(a, b){ return a - b; } this.setName = function(_name){ name = _name; } this.getName = function(){ return name; } this.getId = function(){ return this.id; } this.getBattery = function(display = false){ if(false == display){ return battery; }else{ return getDisplayBattery(); } }}//Run examplevar obj = new CalculatorNormal("Air");console.log(obj.getBattery());console.log(obj.getId());console.log(obj.getBattery(true));
3. 通过prototype来实现对象的生成
// class implemented with prototypefunction CalculatorPrototype (name){ this.id = 2; this.name = name;}(function(){ this.plus = function(a, b){ return a + b; } this.minus = function(a, b){ return a - b; } this.setName = function(_name){ this.name = _name; } this.getName = function(){ return this.name; } this.getId = function(){ return id; }}).call(CalculatorPrototype.prototype);
// class inheritancefunction Employee() { this.name = ""; this.department = "general"; this.sayHello = function(){ return "Hello!"; }}function Manager() { Employee.call(this); this.reports = ["a", "b", "c"];}Manager.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype);Manager.prototype.constructor = Manager;//Run examplevar obj = new Manager();console.log(obj.sayHello());console.log(obj instanceof Manager);console.log(obj instanceof Employee);
以上的例子,采用this定义的成员作用域都为public, 反之,由于闭包特性,则为private作用域,可被所有该方法里所有成员可见,但对闭包外不可见。